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How Many is Too Many?

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How Many is Too Many?

A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston © Mike Johnston 2002 Good morning! A few days ago, on a mailing list I frequent, the regular denizens got...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


8 minutes read

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The Crucial Sentance

Getting Better: The Crucial Sentence Are you perfectly happy with your photographs? Do you think you're already as good as you can be? If you're...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


8 minutes read

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A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston James Karales' most famous picture: Selma To Montgomery March (clouds), 1965. Karales' estate is represented by Howard Greenberg Gallery, NYC.Prints are...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


7 minutes read

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Bronica 645

The Bronica RF645 Rangefinder Revisited Last Spring, Bronica sent me a big Pelican case containing an entire Bronica RF645 kit. At the time, I promised...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


13 minutes read

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A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston © Mike Johnston 2002 Good morning! I hope you're enjoying the autumn light. This week, I'd like to catch up...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


6 minutes read

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A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston Photokina, the world's largest and most important photo equipment show, takes place every even-numbered year in Cologne, Germany, in the...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


8 minutes read

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A Weekly Column By Mike Johnston Hartmann Single Black: A Procedure For Printing Scanned 35mm Black-and-White Negatives ‚ Part II‚            Nicholas Hartmann, who earned a...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


10 minutes read

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Photographing Models

Photographing Models and Nudes An Interview with Bill BrentPhotos by Bill Brent Mike Johnston:Bill, I've just spent some time poking around on your website,www.bbrent.com. There's...
Mike Johnston

Mike Johnston


January 13, 2009


15 minutes read

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