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Landscape & Environment

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Landscape & Environment

Japan’s Cultural and Wild Frontiers

Every photography tour workshop itinerary offered has sunshine and rainbows written into it, but vital elements to any successful itinerary are planning and experience.  And...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


April 14, 2021


27 minutes read

EVEREADY NEON Andrew Paquette
Landscape & Environment

Hudson Valley Diners By Andrew Paquette

Last March, I was planning a shoot in New York City. The lockdown hit and it was off. Everything was off. Clients were unavailable, or...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


March 15, 2021


9 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Lockdown Landscapes

In many ways, the pandemic has brought hardship and even tragedy to all our lives. For me, it also brought creative renewal. At the beginning...
Madeleine Lenagh

Madeleine Lenagh


March 10, 2021


4 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Therapeutic Power Spots Japan - Healing The Adventurer Photographer

No explorer with backpack and camera in hand can escape the consequences of the decisions they have made.  Two shining examples are Edmund Hillary or...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


December 7, 2020


26 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

The Psychic Shock of Animal Photojournalism in the 21st Century (WARNING: Graphic Images)

Across the world, 22.5 billion livestock and fowl currently live on farms, where most of them endure conditions of unimaginable misery. Each day, 160 million...
Mark Mann

Mark Mann


November 20, 2020


4 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Fall Up The Mountian

In August, The Luminous Landscape and my family picked up and moved to Montreal Quebec Canada.  Montreal is a rare city that remains full of...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


October 2, 2020


5 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

The Almost Hidden Path: Michael Walsh

“I mostly use an Olympus XA4 Macro and a Chinon Zoom 3000 Wide. The film stock I usually use is Kodak Colour Plus 200. Sometimes...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


September 7, 2020


5 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Camping in the Japanese Highlands with Snow Monkeys

During summer every year, I start looking forward to my Autumn Leaves Photo Tours and my Hokkaido Photo Tour that are usually just around the...
Blain Harasymiw

Blain Harasymiw


August 21, 2020


9 minutes read