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book publishing

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Photographer Profiles

Michael Reichmann's limited edition "A 20 Year Photography Retrospective" book offer

A 400 Page Large Format Book by the late Michael Reichmann You can order here, just in time for the holidays: https://luminous-landscape.com/ I am pleased...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


December 9, 2019


5 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

MASK: Chris Rainier's photography and the living monuments to spirit

Chris Rainier is a documentary photographer, filmmaker and a National Geographic Society Explorer who is highly respected for his documentation of endangered cultures and traditional...
Josh Reichmann

Josh Reichmann


September 16, 2019


9 minutes read


Sequencing, Part 2

In these remarks I will try to present a more or less complete example of a book I have made on the Blurb print-on-demand platform....
Andrew Molitor

Andrew Molitor


December 1, 2017


13 minutes read