We have: 6051 articles since 2001


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What We See

 An essay by Charles S. Johnson, Jr. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.  – Albert Einstein I don’t mean that the real...

Charles S. Johnson, Jr.


November 1, 2023


15 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Processing Ice and Snow

Editing Ice and Snow with and NIK Detail Extractor, Auto Curves and Apply Image There is a technique that I frequently use when I am...

Ignacio Palacios


September 19, 2022


6 minutes read

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PSB files and Lightroom - A Workaround (Rediscover)

(Editors note: While Adobe has updated and some of these workarounds are rendered obsolete, many still use older versions and the approach here is still...

Wayne Fox


June 28, 2021


11 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Understanding Lens Diffraction (Rediscover)

This article was written by Michael Reichmann and originally published Jan 13 2009   This is not a comprehensive treatise on the subject of lens...

Josh Reichmann


June 4, 2019


4 minutes read

Camera & Technology

Rediscover - Understanding Mirror Lock-Up

Understanding Mirror Lock-Up Techniques for Reducing Vibration The greatest enemy of image sharpness is vibration. One of the best ways of beating vibration is through...

Michael Reichmann


December 10, 2018


10 minutes read

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Camera & Technology

Zero to Hero: Knowledge Saved The Day

Knowledge Saved The Day Knowledge weighs nothing, travels everywhere and is your camera bags number one asset. A holiday in Paris - then I saw...

David Osborn


November 30, 2018


11 minutes read

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Landscape & Environment

Aurora 2019 - Behind This Weeks Home Page Pictures

Pushing An Image Just A Bit Further   Aurora HDR 2019 Screen Shot Every Sunday, I add at least four new images to the top...

Kevin Raber


October 1, 2018


8 minutes read


Post-Production On Location

A fogbow on a recent trip to Svalbard with Kevin Raber and a great bunch of Luminous Landscape photographers! It was a lot of fun...

Peter Eastway


August 27, 2018


11 minutes read